Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sunday .....

                 A day of .........

Sleeping in... Watching FoodNetwork .... Watching the beautiful rays of Florida sunshine slowly start to creep in through the window blinds....

A Day of Peace...because you should have gotten all the laundry, cleaning, vacuuming, and dishes done the day before... and all that's left ... is to relax on the couch.... right?

Err... that would be a BIG, FAT WRONG!  hahaha

Sunday.... More commonly known as "Getting Ready For The Week Day"...

Laundry is ready... Check.
Dog is washed .... Check.
House is cleaned... Check...

And now- time to do ......YOU!

Have you planned out time in your week to include YOURSELF?
Life is too busy nowadays- we tend to get lost in the hustle and bustle of rushing the kids to work.. driving them to school... being stuck in traffic as we race to get to work on time.. only to rush through the day - meeting deadlines, finishing projects... again racing home to make dinner ... and
do it all again the next day...

Where did we lose time for OURSELVES in the mix?
What would we be teaching our children if that is ALL we do?
RUSH...RUSH..RUSH... and not enjoy any of it?

So ..... in your prepping for the week... be sure to include YOU in the mix.

Pre-plan YOUR meals.... so you are not stuck rushing to a fast food drive thru to cram down something you KNOW your body does not need.. and that you do not want- but because it's quick, you often find yourself there  .. waiting for that combo meal.

Plan time for YOURSELF... Get Out and Get Moving .. either start walking at lunch or during your breaks.... plan time after dinner to take a bike ride with the kids... go to the park and toss a ball..
Just DO something for YOU .. and in turn  .. you will be doing for others...

You can't be the best version of YOU if you are constantly run-down, over-tired, over-worked.. and basically overwhelmed...

Take time now- to Make time for YOURSELF -
The choice is ALWAYS that .. a CHOICE..
Do you CHOOSE to continue to be tired, out of shape, out of time,

Make the Choice .....  Choose YOU .. Be Happy.. Be Healthy .. Be Active .. Be Fit

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