Saturday, May 7, 2016

The past week has been .... like that Christmas in the Air feeling.. that inside excitement you have ... when you are so excited and just want to share that feeling with everyone you know :)

I have recently decided to follow my heart and go where it leads me... this is never an easy step to do.. especially as a mom. A wife. A full time employee. You are always pulled in so many directions- that by the time you take a moment to sit and decide what do YOU want... what is it that YOU really want to do in life? What will bring YOU the same happiness and fulfillment you try to bring to everyone else throughout each day? ...... You are usually too busy to come up with an answer.

Thought on this... for a good bit of time. Our son is grown- and on his own journey in life. I have started a new position with the State earlier this year- and it's going well. So what is it .. why do I feel like I am missing that "something" that will make me feel accomplished? Make me feel happy? Challenge me :  mentally... physically.... socially...

And finally I decided -.....
YES! I am definitely going to do this.
For ME.

And when I made that decision.... my heart was happy- like that "Giddy-Kid" feeling you had when you knew you were going somewhere awesome! And I am... I am embarking on an amazing journey -  full of Fitness, Health, Happiness, Helping Others, .... all the things I enjoy doing everyday.

I am pleased to say I am now officially a member of TeamBeachBody

You know you've seen the infomercials on television... Promoting those AMAZING workout programs, the detailed nutrition plans...The INCREDIBLE results!  You know the ones I'm talking about :) .

I am so excited to be a part of this wonderful Fitness-Inspired Family! And I would like to share the opportunity with you - If you would like information on what this opportunity has to offer -
 Please feel free to contact me- I will be happy to share any information with you regarding TeamBeachBody .

Oh I am so excited!!! .... Can't wait to begin!

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